
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Answers for the Post Modern Mind

‘I’m Spiritual but not Religious’

This statement is partly true, that human beings are spiritual creatures. It’s helpful to point out that this person is partially correct- human beings are spiritual in nature because we are made in the image of our Designer and have an eternal framework. Now we can address their non-religion (defining ‘religion’ could be helpful). Human beings are inherently worshipers, regardless of whether a person is religious. I think the key here is that whatever makes someone the most happy, that is the object of their worship… Food, sex, money, power. These are common gods in the world. Also, and hardly anyone will disagree here, it is important to note that all human beings desperately want happiness. (“All men desire happiness”-Pascal) But, is it possible to find an infinitely lasting, deep, abiding happiness? If so, where can it be found? Christian hedonism is at the heart of the gospel. Counterfeit happiness might be the issue in this person’s life, and they need to understand what is offered through Jesus Christ. Becoming a Christian is to be set before an enormous feast, with bread of life and streams of living water. Deep , abundant satisfaction is offered. All of these truths are good segways to the gospel itself.

‘We all worship the same God. There are many paths up the mountain’

Unfortunately (or fortunately), Jesus said he was the only way to God:

“I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me”. (John 14:6)

Also, 1 John- “He that hath the Son hath life, he that doth not have the Son doth not have life.” The bottom line here is that Jesus is the only way. It’s helpful to describe Jesus, not only as the only Saviour but also LORD and Creator over all things. Because it’s true! Colossians 1 says he is preeminent :

“He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.”

It could be that many people don’t take Jesus seriously because they are unaware the He created them. For the skeptical mind, this might be a good place to talk about the resurrection , evidences, and the historicity of the Christian faith. In either case, Christ did not leave us the option of delegating him to being ‘one path up the mountain.’

‘Whatever Floats Your Boat’

What if axe murdering floats my boat? Let’s face it this is probably not a good philosophy of life. There has to be a moral order to the universe, or else human beings are just mammals. If a person believes we are just mammals, that probably entails an entirely different conversation. This could be a good opportunity to explain the depravity of certain parts of our culture, and the nature of reality through Creation.

Religion is the cause of the world’s problems’

Non-religion actually has the worst record in causing problems. More people have died under the tyranny of atheistic communism and pagan fascism than in any other religious war. Perhaps religion isn’t the issue, maybe mankind is simply depraved?

‘There are good people and bad people’

This is subjective. But not necessarily easy to answer. There are many, many people doing good things all over the world that don’t have anything to do with Christ. There are plenty of humanitarians that don’t want to do humanitarian work for Jesus. So why be so exclusive? The bottom line comes back to much of what Jesus claimed about Himself. However, I think it’s important to maintain the principle of original sin here. It is possible to illustrate original sin, and the natural state of the human. Newly born babies demonstrate this idea quite clearly. They come into the world completely helpless, totally in need of protection, housing, nutrition, and medical care. Yet instead of being grateful upon receiving those things, they are self serving and ego maniacal. Babies cry, pout, and keep parents up all hours of the night. Apart from a parent’s unconditional mercy, there are simply no redeeming characteristics in babies (maybe their cuteness). It is in fact true that we are very much a product of our environment. We become conditioned into who we are based on our parents, friends, teachers and other influences. But, at one time or another, everyone is childish.

‘God and I get along fine’

Tell me about your relationship with God?

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