
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Thoughts on Singleness

I am coming to the end of my single days. God has seen fit to provide a wife for me – a beautiful one too. As I approach my wedding, I wonder how I have used my singleness ? Has God been glorified in my time as a single person? What should I have done differently if anything? What am I proud of?
I naturally see the world through my own narrow frame of reference, just like everyone else. It takes effort to come to a clear understanding of a broader culture. I became a Christian when I was 6 (or maybe 12) and grew up in church. There has hardly been any time in my life when I didn’t go to church or hang around Christians. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that my experience is often different than a lot of other peoples’ experience. Nonetheless, there are lessons I have learned as a single person which apply in every culture.
God’s standard for singleness (as in marriage) is simply not attainable. Living like Jesus means never once looking upon a woman with lust in your heart. It means never once idolizing marriage because idolatry is a sin. It means never once being jealous of someone else’s relationship because covetousness is a sin. It means always believing God has ‘the best’ for you , while simultaneously loving Him with all your heart and mind. How have you done at that today?
Chastity is actually a delight when it is founded on Christ. The problem is hardly anyone recognizes it for its true self. In the eyes of the world, it’s absolutely insane. Abstinence from sexual pleasure is crazy to most people. But to religious perfectionists, chastity is not a delight either. How could it be? If your relationship to God is based on your own moral performance than you will always have an erratic relationship with God. There may be a guy out there who believes he has never lusted, but I would be skeptical. True chastity is peace in the mind with a hope set on Christ. The mind is where the battle rages long before actions come about. It may be useful to admit to God that too often we have laid down our weapons of warfare and stopped fighting the battle of the mind.
In the creation account, we find that marriage is God’s ideal. Adam and the animals were cool, but not like Adam & Eve. However, singleness is not a curse. We all know Jesus was single for his entire life (barring any bizzare Egyptian manuscripts about Mary magdalene). If the Son of God can live a perfectly holy life without marriage, single people now can aspire to holiness as well. There were even times in the Bible in which St. Paul encouraged singleness in light of the persecution of that day. By all biblical accounts, Christians are single when they get to heaven. Christ & the church are the only ‘marriage’ there.
In my experience there is a God-honoring way to live in which you desire to no longer be single, but are still living in contentment. I think it’s wrong for single Christians to constantly be masking their desire to get married. If you want to be married and God hasn’t allowed it (that’s why- I finally admitted), that can be painful. Single Christians should be encouraging each other towards seeing God’s sovereign plans in their lives by confessing and discussing their lives.
Singleness is also a great opportunity to pursue your dreams. The added responsbility of a family brings a different lifestyle. For me, I wanted to try to do well in business to provide for a family. There is also the added enjoyment of spending more time with friends, and traveling. Why not take advantage of those while you can?
Ultimately, singleness is the mode that God has chosen to sanctify you while you remain unmarried. That means that for the believer, every trial, every moment of loneliess, even every doubt and failure falls into a divine purpose and helps to shape you into the image of Christ. What a tremendous relief it should give you to know that God cares and is sovereign over your life. There is nothing in singleness, or marriage, that can befall us which does not ultimately serve to increase our joy and love for God.